Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The End is near, or not…

Picture of Julie Rowe posted in her blog
Yeah, these are the last news in the Mormon world. Some lady by the name of Julie Rowe claims she has had some type of vision/revelation about the end of the world. According to Julie, who is a devoted Mormon and very active in her church, the end is near. Julie has her own website called “Prepare Now”, in which she talks about her “death near experience”, and she also sells two books she authored called: “A Greater Tomorrow” and “The Time Is Now.” I haven’t read her books but I read some of the reviews in Amazon and more than 300 people have given very positive feedback about them already.

If you want to check her website click here:

Julie is so popular she has participated in several firesides in LDS chapels and already has many followers. It looks like some of her followers are selling their houses and cashing their retirement accounts to buy gold and prepare for the end of the world. For some reason, her followers maintain the end is going to happen this month September 2015. They expect some earthquake, wars and other calamities like these, so people are buying emergency kits, tents, food, etc. You name it. This is serious stuff. If you want to listen to a very informative panel discussing the validity of Julie’s claims, click here:

Anyway, I have read so many stories about the end of the world that now it is hard for me to believe anything anymore. Sometimes I wish the end is here already, and sometimes I am scared to death. We will have to wait until the end of September to see if anything happens at all. You never know, she might be right. In the meantime, all we can do is wait.

Mormon Massive Resignation 2015

                                                                     Picture posted in The Salt Lake Tribune.
There was a Mormon massive resignation scheduled for July 25th 2015 in Salt Lake City. Unfortunately, I did not make it. Here is the link about the 2015 mormon massive resignation: Another link for Mormon massive resignation in 2015:

While reading about the massive resignation, I came across the information of Bishop Earl Erskine, ex Mormon that interviews other ex-mormons. If you like to read about him and watch the interviews, here is the link:

I think something interesting to note is that this was not the first massive resignation. There have been other massive resignations before. Here is the link for Facebook pages that promoted a massive resignation back in 2014: and

The purpose of the resignation in 2014 was to protest the excommunication of Kate Kelly and John Dehlin. I have to say I was tempted to resign that year as well. I do not agree with excommunication unless is for real serious reasons like domestic violence, rape, murder, pedophile, fraud, harrassment, bullying, physical abuse, etc. It’s not fair to excommunicate people just for differences in opinions or interpretations of doctrine and religion. Anyway, if you want to read information about the massive resignation in 2014, click here: and here is the link to read about the resignation of 2012:

One of the reasons people gave for abandoning the Mormon Church was the political activism against gays/lesbians. I personally, am disgusted with the church actions against gays and lesbians. I did not know about it until I started to research and what I found out was not pretty. I just wish everyone would have access to this information and then, they could decide if they want to stay in this church.